New Technologies help communities improve territorial management

Implemented by the Amazon Conservation Team (ECAM) the project builds the capacity of traditional peoples and quilombola groups to use innovation and technology in pursuit of efficiently managing their land and preserving their culture. The project also supports public institutions and helps small farmers increase production efficiency.

Implemented by the Amazon Conservation Team (ECAM) the project builds the capacity of traditional peoples and quilombola groups to use innovation and technology in pursuit of efficiently managing their land and preserving their culture. The project also supports public institutions and helps small farmers increase production efficiency.

ECAM is building capacity with two technologies in particular: Google Earth and Open Data Kit (ODK). Google Earth enables forest-dependent communities to map features of their territories--such as infrastructure, cultural elements, and production areas--while ODK supports data collection and management. ODK allows users to study specific communities, understand their socio-economic profile, and develop their own Life Plans that guide the management of their territories.

The project aims to benefit indigenous communities in Brazil’s Para state and more than 100 quilombola communities from six Amazon states (Maranhão, Tocantins, Mato Grosso, Amapa, Para and Rondonia). It covers an area of over 1.6 million hectares.

ECAM partners under this project include Natura, Imaflora, CONAQ and Google Earth Outreach.

Foto: Arquivo ECAM